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First Communion

The Eucharist nourishes our life of faith. The Church draws her life from the Eucharist. This truth does not simply express a daily experience of faith, but recapitulates the heart of the mystery of the Church. Holy Communion increases our union with Christ. Just as bodily food sustains our physical life, so Holy Communion nourishes our spiritual life. This Communion moves us away from sin, strengthening our moral resolve to avoid evil and turn ever more powerfully toward God.

The sacrament of First Communion (Eucharist) is celebrated each year at a parish liturgy in the season of Easter. Those completing 2nd grade are candidates. We do require that the candidates have two years of catechetical preparation, as well as a strong family involvement in the preparation and celebration of this sacrament.

For more information, please contact Carol Wilmes, Coordinator of Religious Education, at psr@stanselmstl.org or 314.878.2120, ext. 17.