Logo for St. Anselm Parish

Holy Eucharist

The Eucharist nourishes our life of faith. The Church draws her life from the Eucharist. This truth does not simply express a daily experience of faith, but recapitulates the heart of the mystery of the Church. Holy Communion increases our union with Christ. Just as bodily food sustains our physical life, so Holy Communion nourishes our spiritual life. This Communion moves us away from sin, strengthening our moral resolve to avoid evil and turn ever more powerfully toward God.

The celebration of the Eucharist in the Holy Mass is the "source and summit" of our faith. The Eucharist is the memorial of Christ's Passover, the making present and the sacramental offering of his unique sacrifice, in the liturgy of the Church which is his Body. In the most blessed sacrament of the Eucharist "the body and blood, together with the soul and divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ and, therefore, the whole Christ is truly, really, and substantially contained." (Catechism of the Catholic Church)

Eucharistic Adoration

This devotion is an extension of the adoration of the Eucharist we participate in during the celebration of Mass. Our Adoration chapel is located on the lower level of the Parish Center, and is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8am - 4pm for anyone who would like to stop by for quiet prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. If you feel drawn to this devotion, we invite you to consider becoming a regular adorer and adopting a particular hour each week or month. For more information, please contact Tricia Newell at 314.540.0034 or jnewelljr@charter.net.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

These lay faithful assist the priest in distributing Holy Communion during Mass. The role is open to men and women 18 years and older who have received the sacrament of Confirmation, and need to possess a love of the Eucharist and be living lives consistent with the teachings of the Church. Please contact Pattie Meitner at 314.786.5464.

Communion Calls

Any parishioner who is unable to attend our Sunday liturgies may receive Holy Communion at their home.

Please contact the Parish Office at 314.878.2120 or parishoffice@stanselmstl.org if a member of your household is seriously ill or incapacitated in some manner.